
Evaluating ideas

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 16 years ago

Having generated lots of ideas judgements have to be made to determine their value ad utility. The facilitator instructs participants to spend about 5 minutes looking at all the ideas that have been generated and to select three ideas that they feel are particular good/inspiring/useful ideas. A framework is provided to help participants sort their ideas into three categories.


BLUE IDEASFew risks. High acceptability. Examples already exist that can be  copied. Would be easy to implement in this university


RED IDEAS: Innovative ideas. Breakthrough ideas. Exciting ideas. Risky ideas that will need selling. Could be implemented in this university


YELLOW IDEAS: Ideas for the future. They are not feasible or would be impossible to implement in this university. Would need a radical change in organisational thinking and behaviour


Participants are asked to place the ideas they have selected in one of three boxes (3 sheets of flip paper stuck on the wall labeled BLUE, RED AND YELLOW). Participants are then given three coloured stickers and told that they must use these to vote on the three ideas that they think would provide the best solution to the problem they have been working on How can I design a rich experience so that learners are inspired, empowered and enabled to use their creativity?

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